Soumya Sai Vanka

Researcher in AI and Audio Engineering


I am doctoral reasercher at the Centre for Digital Music , Queen Mary University of London under the AI and Music Centre for Doctoral Training Program. My research focuses on design of user-centric context-aware AI-based tools for music production. As a hobbyist musician and producer myself, I am interested in developing tools that can support creativity and collaboration resulting in emergence and novelty. I am also interested in the broader implications of AI in music and the arts, and how it can be used to democratize music production and consumption. My research is supported by the UKRI and Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH. My research approach is user-centric, incorporating expert knowledge and involving prototyping and extensive user evaluations. Furthermore, I find my daily dose of calm in practicing yoga, crocheting garments, and painting outdoors. I also volunteer regularly at Foodcycle and enjoy travelling, exploring new cultures, analog film photography, and art history, specifically impressionism and secession.

selected publications

  1. The Role of Communication and Reference Songs in the Mixing Process: Insights From Professional Mix Engineers
    Soumya Sai Vanka, Maryam Safi, Jean-Baptiste Rolland, and György Fazekas
    Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 2024
  2. Adoption of AI Technology in Music Mixing Workflow: An Investigation
    Soumya Vanka, Maryam Safi, Jean-Baptiste Rolland, and György Fazekas
    In 154th Audio Engineering Society Convention , 2023
  3. Deep Learning for Automatic Mixing
    Christian J. Steinmetz, Soumya Sai Vanka, Marco A. Martínez Ramírez, and Gary Bromham
    Dec 2022